
Your Local Sights & Community

Werribee River Association Werribee Riverkeeper

Community, Leisure, Networking
Werribee 3030 riverkeeper@werribeeriver.org.au 0401 854 560

WRA is a not-for-profit organisation, based in Werribee, registered as a charity, and benefiting the people who live in the Werribee River catchment and surrounds by advancing the natural environment. We deliver on-ground Landcare, Litter Blitz clean-ups, citizen science and educational sessions.

Our purposes are:

  • Protecting water quality in the Werribee River, other local waterways and wetlands flowing to the coastline and into Port Phillip Bay
  • Promoting the re-establishment of natural habitat for wildlife in the Werribee River catchment
  • Providing attractive natural places for people to access and enjoy
  • Providing educational programs about environmentally sustainable practices, educating a growing and diverse population living in the west of Melbourne

We invite businesses and community members to get involved, sponsor a clean-up or tree planting, and support our work on land and water and human health.

Please contact us.

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