Victorian Government confirmed on Monday 26 October that Melbourne will move out of lockdown and into the Third Step of Victoria’s roadmaps for reopening.
Under the Third Step, from 11:59pm on Tuesday 27 October 2020, the following changes will apply to businesses based in metropolitan Melbourne:
- Melbourne’s cafes, restaurants and pubs can reopen – outdoors with a limit of up to 50 people, and indoors with a limit of up to 20 people (10 people per indoor space*).
*Definition of an indoor/separate spaceEach area must be separated into discrete areas on the premises which are sufficiently separated from any other area of the premises. Temporary walls or structures can be used to separate indoor spaces. Walls separating areas should be wall to ceiling or at least 2.1 metres high for the space to be considered sufficiently separate.
- Remaining retail can open.
- Beauty and personal care services can resume.
- Outdoor entertainment venues can begin hosting visitors.
- Density limits, record keeping and COVIDSafe Plans continue to apply to all businesses.
- For those businesses that need to get ready for their reopening – staff will be able to attend onsite immediately. These workers will not be required carry a Permitted Worker Permit.
- Workplaces will also no longer need to be on the permitted work list to open and the ability to work will change to “if you can work from home you must work from home”.
Restrictions remaining in place at this time
- The 25-kilometre limit will remain in place to limit the virus’s ability to travel.
- The border between regional Victoria and Melbourne will also remain in place. And while the boundary is in place, work permits will still be required for workers from Melbourne travelling into regional Victoria – and vice versa.
Looking ahead
From 8 November 2020, subject to case numbers, the following changes will occur:
- The 25-kilometre limit will come off.
- The border between the city and the rest of our state will also fall away. Melbourne and regional Victoria will be at the same level of restrictions.
- The capacity of pubs and restaurants will increase, with up to 40 people inside and 70 people outside.
- Religious gatherings will expand with up 20 people and a faith leader indoors, and 50 outside.
- Gyms and indoor fitness will be able to reopen – with some strict safety precautions in place.
- Accommodation will reopen.
For more detail on these changes, please see the Premier’s statement and summary of changes.
Small Business Victoria