The Victorian Government is working to ensure that every business owner in Victoria has a COVIDSafe Plan in place and understands their responsibilities to keep workers and customers safe.
It is important that every business and worker understands their responsibilities in ensuring a COVIDSafe workplace.
Victorian Government Authorised Officers are closely monitoring and inspecting businesses to ensure they are following the six COVIDSafe principles. There are significant penalties, including fines and prohibition notices, for businesses that fail to comply.
We must do everything we can to keep our communities safe and prevent unexpected cases of coronavirus (COVID-19).
To learn more about these new requirements and how to make your workplace COVIDSafe, please visit the coronavirus website.
Small Business Victoria
Useful links:
Every business owner has a COVIDSafe Plan in place and understands their responsibilities to keep workers and customers safe, including access to templates | |
Open businesses must follow the six COVIDSafe principles to help prevent future outbreaks of coronavirus (COVID-19) | |
New guidance have been developed for some sectors to help them plan for a safe reopening | |
Access to signage, posters and questionnaires to assist in communicating key messages to workers and customers |
Information has been translated for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds – Businesses can also call 13 22 15 and request a free translator |